Acts 10:1-48
Key Verses 10:34,35 “Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.’”
1. Describe Cornelius’ God-fearing life. How did God want to bless him? (1-8)
2. Describe Peter’s vision. (9-16) Why was Peter repulsed at the command, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat”? What was the meaning of the vision and how was it made plain to Peter? (17-23a)
3. How did Cornelius greet Peter? (23b-26) How did Peter share his inner struggle and his reason for coming without objection? (27-29) How had God prepared Cornelius, and how had Cornelius prepared an environment? (30-33)
4. What had Peter himself learned? (34-35) Look carefully at the gospel Peter preached. What
are the main points that he makes about Jesus? (36-43)
5. Why were the Jews astonished that the Holy Spirit was poured out even on Gentiles? (44-48) How does this event open the door of salvation to the Gentile world?