Give To God What is God’s

mark12bq.docx (82 downloads)

Mark 12:13-17

Key Verse 12:17a “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’”


  1. Why was it unusual for the Pharisees and the Herodians to be doing something together? How and why did they flatter Jesus? (13-14a)




  1. What loaded question did they asked Jesus? (14b-15) What was the motive behind their question?




  1. Knowing their hypocrisy, what did Jesus ask them to bring? (15-16) What did Jesus mean by “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”? (17a) What does this teach us about our basic obligations to our government and our secular jobs? (See 1 Peter 2:13-17; Romans 13:1-7)





  1. What is our basic duty to God? (17) What should we give to God? (Deuteronomy 6:5; Micah 6:8)





  1. How did the Pharisees refuse to give to God what is God’s? How is this passage related to the Parable of the Tenants?

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