mark12bq.docx (82 downloads)
Mark 12:13-17
Key Verse 12:17a “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’”
- Why was it unusual for the Pharisees and the Herodians to be doing something together? How and why did they flatter Jesus? (13-14a)
- What loaded question did they asked Jesus? (14b-15) What was the motive behind their question?
- Knowing their hypocrisy, what did Jesus ask them to bring? (15-16) What did Jesus mean by “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”? (17a) What does this teach us about our basic obligations to our government and our secular jobs? (See 1 Peter 2:13-17; Romans 13:1-7)
- What is our basic duty to God? (17) What should we give to God? (Deuteronomy 6:5; Micah 6:8)
- How did the Pharisees refuse to give to God what is God’s? How is this passage related to the Parable of the Tenants?