Matthew 13:1-23
Key Verse 13:16 “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.”
1. Looking at verses 3-9, what is a parable? Why did Jesus speak to the people in parables? (10-17)
2. How were the disciples different from the crowds who came to Jesus? (10-11) What does verses 12-13 tell us about the importance of our attitude toward God’s word? Why does Jesus call them blessed? (16-17)
3. How is Isaiah’s prophecy a fitting description of people in Jesus’ day and in ours? (14-15) How do we become blind and deaf to God’s word?
4. What are the 4 kinds of soil on which the seed falls and what happens to the seed in each soil? (3-9)
5. How is the good soil different from the other three? (19-23) How does verse 23 encourage us to spread the message of the kingdom?