

Luke 8:1-15

Key Verse 8:8b “When he said this, he called out, ‘He who has ears to hear, let him hear.’” 

1. Who are the women who supported Jesus’ ministry? (1-3) In what way do these women illustrate the theme of last week’s passage, “Forgiven much loves much”? 

2. What is a parable (in comparison to an allegory or a fable)? Why did Jesus use parables in public teaching? (4, 10) What does the quotation from Isaiah 6:9 in verse 10b mean?

3. What are the 4 different soils onto which the seed fell and what happened in each case? (5-8a)

4. What does the seed represent? (11) What kind of heart does the path represent? (11-12) The rocky soil? (13) The thorny soil? (14) Why couldn’t they produce crops? 

5. What kind of heart does the good soil represent and how can it produce a crop? (15) How can having ears to hear help us become good soil? (8b; cf. Ezekiel 36:26)

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