Don’t You Remember?

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Mark 8:1-21

Key Verse 8:18 “Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?”


  1. Where did this event take place? (1; cf. 7:31) How is this incident similar/different from the one described in 6:30-44?




  1. Contrast Jesus’ compassion for the crowd with the disciples’? (2-4) What shows that they needed to grow in faith?




  1. How did Jesus feed the crowd with the disciples? (5-9) What does this teach about how God works?




  1. Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign from heaven? (11) Why did Jesus refuse to give a sign? (12) Why can miraculous signs never cure unbelief?




  1. What did Jesus mean by “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod”? (15) How is unbelief like yeast? How did the disciples misunderstand Jesus? (16)




  1. How did Jesus rebuke his disciples’ unbelief? (17-18) What does Jesus teach them by reminding them of two previous miracles? (19-21)

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