Ex14-15q-rev.docx (94 downloads )
Exodus 13:17-15:21
Key Verse 14:29 “But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”
- Why didn’t the Lord lead the Israelites through the Philistine country even though it was shorter? (13:17-18) Why did Moses take Joseph’s bones with them? (13:19; cf. Genesis 50:25) What should this have meant for the Israelites?
- Why did the Lord instruct the Israelites to go back and encamp at Pi Hahiroth? (14:1-4) Why did Pharaoh pursue the Israelites? (14:5-9) What does this show about him?
- How did the Israelites react when they saw the Egyptians? (14:10-12) What does this show about the fruit of living in slavery to sin?
- How did Moses plant faith in the people? (14:13-14) Why did the Lord tell Moses to move on? (14:15) How would the Lord gain glory through Pharaoh and his army? (14:16-18)
- How did the Lord protect the Israelites? (14:19-20) How did the Israelites cross the Red Sea? (14:21-22; Hebrews 11:29) What happened when the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the sea? (14:23-30)
- What did the Israelites come to believe through this event? (14:31) How did Moses and Miriam celebrate the Lord’s deliverance? (15:1-21) What hope does the Lord’s power to deliver his people give you?