John14a-m-David-rev What is human life? Where did our life come from and where is it going? What is the true way for our life? Not knowing where human life came from and where it is going is the fundamental problem of all human beings. But here is the good news.Read More →

1cor15-2-so-rev2 “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” When Paul said, “indeed,” it means that Christ’s resurrection is a fact, not a philosophical idea, and his resurrection has now changed everything. Now there is hope for the future, now thereRead More →

john20-sam Jesus’ resurrection turned Mary’s momentary sorrow into everlasting joy. Jesus’ resurrection turned the disciples’ fear of men into the courage to boldly stand before the highest authorities in the land. And Jesus’ resurrection turned Thomas’ doubts into a faith so strong it took him all the way to theRead More →

john19-so-rev3 Jesus’ cry of TETELESTAI is a word of finality. The idea is “It is finished, it stands finished, and it always will be finished!” His work of redemption is complete and nothing needs to be added to it. Sin is atoned for (Heb 10:12), Satan is defeated and renderedRead More →