For the next two Sundays(Jan15th, 22nd) after service I will be holding a resume workshop! There will be two sessions: first for an introduction on how to write a resume and the second one for a peer review session where you’ll have a chance to provide feedback to each otherRead More →

What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving Monday than hot pot and karaoke! Study hard for midterms this weekend and then take a break with us #stgeorgeubf #uoft #hotpot #karaoke — in University of Toronto.Read More →

15911 Creditview Road, Caledon, ON L7C3G8 The registration fee is: students $30, and non-students $40. Please give cash to Esther Kim, or send e-transfer to: Tentative schedule for the disciples’ retreat on August 27-28: Check on Discord first for Quick update. Bring your own blanket  and pillow or sleepingRead More →

Here is the link for registration. It is also on the webpage. Prayer topics: Experience the power of faith in God – Everything is possible! Canada to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation Evangelise all Canadian campuses Establishment of next generation leaders Give thanks for the workRead More →

We’re so excited to be back on campus and meet new friends and reconnect with friends we’ve missed. DM for more info or if you have questions thru Facebook group. Sign-up form — in Toronto, Ontario. QR code Link. Drawing and Painting Welcome Event, September 17, Friday at 5pm Korean Conversation Classes, WednesdaysRead More →