Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Mark 6:1-29 Key Verse: 6:7Read More →
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Mark 6:1-29 Key Verse: 6:7Read More →
The Wedding Supper of the Lamb Revelation 19-20 Key verse 19:9 1. How does a great multitude in heaven shout in praise? (1-10) What does the wedding of the Lamb symbolize? Why is this the climax of GodRead More →
The Good News To All Creation Mark 16:1-20 Key Verse 16:15 1. Why did the women go to the tomb? (1-2) What amazed and alarmed the women? (4-5) 2. Read verse 6. What good news did the angel tell them? Why is this good news to us? (1 Corinthians 15:13,Read More →
The Forsaken King Mark 15:16-47 Key Verse 15:34 1. How did the Roman soldiers mock and humiliate Jesus? (16-20) Why was Jesus our Messiah despised and rejected? (Isaiah 53:3-4) 2. What does the charge and the titleRead More →
Jesus Calms the Storm (Who is this?) Mark 4:35-41 Key Verse: 4:41 1. When they were crossing the lake, what unexpected problem arose? (37) How serious was the storm? 2. At that time what was Jesus doing? (38a) Why did the disciples wake up Jesus? What does this reveal aboutRead More →
THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER Mark 4:1-20 Key Verse: 4:20 1. Why did Jesus use parables in his teaching? (2, 9-11) 2. What are the 4 different kinds of soil? What does soil represent? The seed? (14; 33) 3. What happened to seed that fell on the path? (3-4) WhatRead More →
Jesus Calls the Twelve Apostles Mark 3:13-35 Key Verse: 3:13,14a 1. What was the situation when Jesus appointed twelve apostles? (7-12; cf. Matthew 9:37-38) What were his three purposes in calling and appointing them? 2. Who were the 12? What do you know about them? 3. Why did the teachersRead More →
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