Continue to Live in Christ
Colossians 2:6-23 Key Verse: 2:6,7 1. What does it mean to receive Jesus as Lord? (6) Think of how we can continue to live in him in terms of being rooted in him, built up in him, and strengthened in the faith? (7; John 15:4; Matthew 7:24,25) 2. How canRead More →
Knowing Christ, the Mystery of God
Colossians 1:24-2:5 Key Verse 2:2 1. What is Paul suffering for and why did he rejoice in his suffering? (1 Peter 4:13) What did Paul mean by the church? 2. Mystery in the New Testament means something revealed by God and is different from the usual sense of an unsolvedRead More →
This is the Gospel
Colossians 1:1-23 Key Verse 1:23 1. What were the fruits of the gospel among the Colossians? (3-8) What is your understanding of the gospel? 2. What does PaulRead More →
Jesus’ Glorious Image
Mark 9:1-13 Key Verse: 9:3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. 1. What promise did Jesus make in Mark 8:38-9:1? What is the meaning of the kingdom of God coming with power to the world? What could it mean to notRead More →
Take Up His Cross and Follow Me
Mark 8:27-38 Key Verse 8:29 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” 1. What did the people of JesusRead More →
Jesus Blesses A Humble Woman
Mark 7:24-30, Key Verse: 7:29 1. Why did Jesus and his disciples go to the gentile territory? Why could he not keep his presence a secret? (24-26) 2. What was her problem? What was her attitude toward Jesus? 3. Why might it be hardRead More →
Faith Grows through Training
Mark 6:45-56 Key Verse: 6:52 1. After feeding the crowd, why did Jesus go to a mountainside to pray? (45-46; cf. John 6:15) 2. What happened to the disciples as they crossed the lake? (47-48) What was their reaction when they saw Jesus walking on the lake? (49-50a) Why didRead More →
Jesus, Our Good Shepherd
Mark 6:30-44 Key Verse: 6:34 1. Why were the disciples calledRead More →