Thank God for the chance to review what he has done in our Canadian ministries since 1981. Please pray for this historic and important program:
“Canada Night”
? Date and time: March 7, 2014, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
? Place: Chicago UBF main building, sanctuary
Program outline:
? Singspiration
? Presider–Henry Kim
? Prayer by Mark Vucekovich, Luke Hong
? Welcoming address by Abraham T. Kim (5 min)
? Canada church history by Andrew Christopher (10 minutes)
? UBF history of Canada (each 10 minutes)
Part 1: Winnipeg and Montreal by John Giesbrecht
Part 2: Southern Ontario Region by Joshua Lee
Part 3: Western Region by Daniel Kwon
? Testimonies (each 10 minutes):
David Jumeau (Montreal UBF
Andy Stumpf (Waterloo UBF)