Luke 12:22-34
Key Verse 12:31 “But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
1. What should Jesus’ disciples not worry about? (22) Why is life more important than food and clothes? (23)
2. How does Jesus illustrate that God cares about us through nature? (24-28) Why is worry useless? (25-26) What is the root cause of worry? (28b)
3. What does Jesus warn against setting our hearts on and why? (29-30)
4. What must we seek proactively instead of worrying? (31) How can we seek his kingdom practically? (33a; Colossians 3:2,17) What is God’s promise? (31-32)
5. Why should we store treasure in heaven? (33b; Matthew 6:19-20) How does what we seek set our life’s direction? (34)