BORN TO PREPARE THE WAY (230 downloads)

Luke 1:1-25
Key Verse 1:17

1. What was Luke’s motivation in compiling the gospel account? (1-4) What do you know about Herod and his time? (Matthew 2:16)

2. Who were Zechariah and Elizabeth and what kind of problem did they have? (7) In what respects were they upright in the sight of God? (6,13)

3. Describe Zechariah’s encounter with the angel Gabriel. What does this event reveal about Zechariah’s prayer life? (8-13)

4. What was the angel’s good news? (13) Think about John’s mission. (cf. Luke 3:3-5) How would he be like Elijah? (16-17)

5. Why couldn’t Zechariah believe the angel? (18) How did God train him and what was the purpose? Why might Elizabeth remain in seclusion for 5 months and what was her confession of faith? (24-25)

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