Be a Wise Builder in His Kingdom

Be a Wise Builder in His Kingdom (165 downloads)

Matthew 7:13-29

Key Verse 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”


  1. What does it mean to enter through the narrow gate and why do only a few find it? (13-14, John 10:7, Matthew 16:24)





  1. Who are the false prophets/teachers and how can we recognize them? (15-20, 2 Peter 2:1-3,18-19)





  1. How is it that those who know the Bible well and engage in many good activities can fail to enter the kingdom? (21-23, cf. Acts 19:13-16) What does “I never knew you” mean? (cf. John 17:3)





  1. What do the rains and floods represent in our lives? (24-27) How can we be wise builders? Why do we become foolish builders?





  1. How is this parable of the wise and foolish builders related to the narrow and broad roads? To good and bad trees? To knowing Jesus and being known by him? [Think of St. Paul’s example: Philippians 3:7-11.]

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