Genesis 22:1-19 Key Verse22:18“And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.” How did God test Abraham and why? (1-2) How did Abraham respond to God’s command? (3-4) From his instruction to the servants and his answer to Isaac’s question, what can weRead More →

What is the gospel and how can we live it and share it? This week, we’ll start reading and discussing (Re)Union: the Good News of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners by Bruxy Cavey. Small groups are meeting Wednesdays at 4:15, Fridays at 5:00, and Saturdays at 4:00.Read More →

So thankful for our Thursday small group during the fall semester! Every week, we learned about the kingdom of God through Jesus’ parables. May the seed of the Word bear abundant fruit in us.  Thank God for the Alpha course that helped us to discuss the essentials of Christian faith everyRead More →