Acts 11:1-30
Key Verse: 11:26c “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”
1. Why did the Jewish believers criticize Peter? (1-3) How did Peter explain his actions? (4-17) How did the Jerusalem Christians respond? (18)
2. What was different about the work of God in Antioch? [Antioch was the third largest city at that time after Rome and Alexandria.] What is the significance of some people preaching the gospel to Greeks? (19-21)
3. Who was Barnabas? (4:36,37; 9:27) Why did he go to Antioch? (22-24) How did he build up the church there?
4. Why did Barnabas go to get Saul? (25-26) How did Barnabas and Saul strengthen the church in Antioch? Why were they called “Christians”?
5. What was the crisis throughout the Roman Empire? What did the disciples in Antioch do? (cf.
2 Corinthians 8:5,9) In what ways was the Antioch church well-fitted to be the center for world mission?