A NEW COMMAND (122 downloads)

John 13:18-38
Key Verses 13:34,35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1. How did Jesus regard Judas’ betrayal in light of Scripture? (18; Psalm 41:9) Why did Jesus tell his disciples beforehand that one of them was going to betray him? (19)

2. How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ announcement? (22) What does their response show about them? (cf. Matthew 26:22)

3. What is the significance of Jesus giving Judas the bread? (26; Luke 22:19) How did Jesus loved Judas to the end and what happened when Judas rejected his love? (27-30)

4. How is the command “Love one another” a new command? (34; Compare Mark 12:29-31) How should we love one another? What is the mark of Jesus’ disciples? (35)

5. What was Peter’s response to Jesus’ announcement of his leaving? (36) What does this reveal about the limitations of human loyalty? How did Jesus love Peter to the end?

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